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Oral Presentation: (Not) for the record: Doing implicatures in police reports of domestic violence


Title: (Not) for the record: Doing implicatures in police reports of domestic violence Abstract: Conversational implicature (Grice 1975) is a pragmatic strategy used in discourse to carry meaning(s) not encoded explicitly in language. There are many reasons why explicitness is not the most appropriate route, for example, social politeness (Brown and Levinson 1987). Discourse participants […]

Oral Presentation: It’s not “just like on TV”: A corpus analysis and examination of Miranda warnings on TV.


Title: It’s not “just like on TV”: A corpus analysis and examination of Miranda warnings on TV. Abstract: The American Miranda warnings are considered an “icon of constitutional law” that have been made “famous” by  television (Covey, 2007). Similarly, the US Supreme Court has also expressed the recognizability and prevalence of the Miranda warnings in […]

Oral Presentation: Interpreters’ Experiences and Knowledge of Child Forensic Interviews


Title: Interpreters’ Experiences and Knowledge of Child Forensic Interviews Abstract: Child forensic interviewers have expressed concerns regarding the quality of interpreter-mediated child forensic interviews, including limited access to qualified interpreters and a high risk of suggestive influence stemming from misinterpretations. However, research on interpreter-mediated child forensic interviews is limited, and the perspective of interpreters has […]

Oral Presentation: Transfer of Avatar Training Effects to Investigative Field Interviews of Children Conducted by Police Officers


Title: Transfer of Avatar Training Effects to Investigative Field Interviews of Children Conducted by Police Officers Abstract: Previous research with students and some professional groups (psychologists) have repeatedly demonstrated that repeated feedback in simulated investigative interviews with computerized child avatars improves the quality of the interviews conducted with real children who have witnessed a mock […]

Oral Presentation: Investigative Interview Training using an AI-Driven Talking Avatar


Title: Investigative Interview Training using a Multimodal Child Avatar Abstract: Effective child investigative interview training is needed to bridge the gap between best-practice-guidelines and practice in field. We aim to develop an empirically informed training system using dynamic multimodal child-avatars based on game engine and artificial intelligence (AI) methods including dialogue models trained on well-designed […]

Oral Presentation: “ViContact” – an Interactive Seminar and Virtual Reality Training for Talking to Children about suspected Sexual Abuse


Title: “ViContact” - an Interactive Seminar and Virtual Reality Training for Talking to Children about suspected Sexual Abuse Abstract: We introduce “ViContact” - a newly developed multi-method programme to train teachers how to talk to children about suspicions of sexual abuse. ViContact consists of a two-day seminar as well as exercises in a three-dimensional virtual […]

Oral Presentation: The ViContact VR Training: Virtual Children and their Response Algorithm


Title: The ViContact VR Training: Virtual Children and their Response Algorithm Abstract: In this presentation, the ViContact VR training will be introduced in more detail. The ViContact VR training is a virtual training environment in which participants can practice in an action-oriented way how to talk to children in suspected cases of child sexual abuse […]

Oral Presentation: How to talk to children when suspecting sexual abuse – Current practice in Schools in the North of Germany and recommendations for best practice guidelines


Title: How to talk to children when suspecting sexual abuse – Current practice in Schools in the North of Germany and recommendations for best practice guidelines Abstract: Teachers and other school professionals (e.g. school social workers, school psychologists) are among the first contact persons for children to disclose experiences of sexual abuse. Equally, if teachers […]

Oral Presentation: Verbal cues to deception in autistic mock-suspects


Title: Verbal cues to deception in autistic mock-suspects Abstract: Investigative interviews present significant social and cognitive challenges to autistic people. Autistic witnesses often provide less detailed and accurate information during interviews than typically developing (TD) comparisons. Autistic suspects may similarly struggle to provide such information, leaving them susceptible to appearing deceptive. However, there is currently […]

Oral Presentation: Police officers’ perceptions and experiences of promoting honesty in child witnesses


Title: Police officers' perceptions and experiences of promoting honesty in child witnesses Abstract: When interviewing vulnerable witnesses, such as children, investigative interviewers in England and Wales are advised to follow the Achieving Best Evidence (ABE) in Criminal Proceedings guidelines (MoJ, 2022). These guidelines recommend that practitioners engage in a truth-lies discussion with child witnesses at […]

Oral Presentation: Vanity Fair Syndrome in Japan: A Conviction without a Criminal


Title: Vanity Fair Syndrome in Japan: A Conviction without a Criminal Abstract: It is known that sometimes investigators unintentionally let defendants confess that he/she is a criminal in cases that should have been treated as ‘accidents’ not ‘crimes’. This is one of the types of false confession leading to the miscarriage of justice. Collecting such kinds […]

Practitioner Case Study: The Role of Intermediaries at Parole Board Oral Hearings


Title - The Role of Intermediaries at Parole Board Oral Hearings Abstract: An exploratory study about the use of intermediaries (communication specialists) at Parole Board Oral Hearings with the following aims: To what extent are intermediaries used to facilitate communication with vulnerable prisoners giving evidence at oral hearings? To what extent are intermediaries used to […]