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Oral Presentation: Forensic psychology myths and misconceptions acceptance among police students and university students in Finland

Main Auditorium

Title: Forensic psychology myths and misconceptions acceptance among police students and university students in Finland Abstract: The presentation aims to introduce results from a study exploring the prevalence of misconceptions related to forensic psychology among Finnish police students and university students and whether the prevalence was associated with the stage of studies and/or taking courses […]

Oral Presentation: The Way We All Remember: The Influence of Different Cultures on Eyewitness Memory and Investigative Interviewing


Title: The Way We All Remember: The Influence of Different Cultures on Eyewitness Memory and Investigative Interviewing Abstract:  Nowadays, more and more people report about their memories in cross-cultural contexts, such as asylum interviews and international criminal cases. That poses challenges, because there are differences in how people from different cultural backgrounds remember and talk […]

Oral Presentation: Improving decision-making in the criminal justice system: The effect of teaching aids on the evaluation of eyewitness evidence


Title: Improving decision-making in the criminal justice system: The effect of teaching aids on the evaluation of eyewitness evidence Abstract: Judges, jurors and other triers of fact often rely upon eyewitness evidence in criminal trials, but eyewitness memory is not always accurate and can sometimes be contaminated. The I-I-Eye is an evidence-based teaching aid designed […]

Oral Presentation: How do adults perceive children’s testimony elicited via a language interpreter?


Title: How do adults perceive children’s testimony elicited via a language interpreter? Abstract: Prosecution of crimes against youth often depends on youths' testimony. This presents unique challenges for youth who are not fluent in the jurisdiction's official language and are thus assigned language interpreters and for those individuals who are listening to and making judgments […]

Oral Presentation: Interpreted investigative interviews with children – do they impact Swedish court proceedings?


Title: Interpreted investigative interviews with children - do they impact Swedish court proceedings? Abstract: The investigative interview often constitutes vital evidence in child abuse investigations. In the past decades, countries across the globe have implemented evidence-based guidelines in investigative interviews with children. Recent research has found that the quality of interviews with one group of […]

Practitioner Case Study: When the going gets TUV: the development of a training in urgent safety interviews

Main Auditorium

Title: When the going gets TUV: the development of a training in urgent safety interviews Abstract: Where the interviewing of suspects arguably is a complex task, conducting an urgent safety interview can be considered its superlative. Instead of collecting evidence with regard to a criminal event that happened in the past – which is the […]

Oral Presentation: Using the Demonstrating for More Detail (DeMo) technique with adolescent eyewitnesses


Title: Using the Demonstrating for More Detail (DeMo) technique with adolescent eyewitnesses Abstract: Adolescent eyewitnesses can be less detailed than adults. Whilst there is much research on how specialised interview techniques can facilitate children’s eyewitness recall, there is little to none with adolescents. The current study examined the use of the Demonstrating for More Detail (DeMo) technique: an […]

Oral Presentation: Sensemaking and cooperation in investigative interviews: The role of matching

Main Auditorium

Title: Sensemaking and cooperation in investigative interviews: The role of matching Abstract: Theories of interpersonal sensemaking predict that cooperation emerges in interactions where speakers are matched on motivational frame and when they are cooperative rather than competitive in orientation (Taylor, 2002). The current study tested this prediction in an investigative interviewing context. Across two experiments […]

Oral Presentation: Smile for the webcam: Interviewer non-verbal behaviours’ effect on perceptions of rapport and information disclosure in virtual interviews


Title: Smile for the webcam: Interviewer non-verbal behaviours’ effect on perceptions of  rapport and information disclosure in virtual interviews Abstract: Although the definition for rapport-building varies according to the context in which it is  established, most agree that non-verbal behaviours facilitate it (e.g., smiling, body posture,  nodding). These behaviours are believed to allow the interviewers […]

Oral Presentation: “Be on the Lookout!”: Content of Perpetrator Description by an Eyewitness Affects Selection Time of Potential Suspects


Title: “Be on the Lookout!”: Content of Perpetrator Description by an Eyewitness Affects Selection Time of Potential Suspects Abstract: When a crime has just happened, police enforcement need to react quickly before the perpetrator vanishes. They try to obtain a description of the perpetrator from eyewitnesses to share with other officers to react quickly. There […]

Oral Presentation: Attorneys’ questions and children’s responses referring to the nature of genital touch in child sexual abuse trials


Title: Attorneys’ questions and children’s responses referring to the nature of genital touch in child sexual abuse trials Abstract: In child sexual abuse cases, establishing the location and invasiveness of genital touch is of key importance. However, research demonstrates that children struggle to provide clear terms for their sexual body parts in investigative interviews, especially […]

Oral Presentation: Social workers’ knowledge about children’s memory and investigative interviewing


Title: Social workers’ knowledge about children’s memory and investigative interviewing Abstract: The Child Protective Services (CPS) can be prominent actors in child sexual abuse (CSA) investigations as they often conduct the first safety assessment upon receiving a report of concern for a child. As part of this assessment, CPS may conduct an investigative interview with […]