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Oral Presentation: Rapport in suspect interviews: Perceptions and insights of Lithuanian criminal investigators

Main Auditorium

Title: Rapport in suspect interviews: Perceptions and insights of Lithuanian criminal investigators Abstract: Building and maintaining rapport is considered as paramount to a successful investigative interview of witness or suspect. The aim of this study was to examine perceptions of rapport of Lithuanian law enforcement investigators when interviewing suspects. Specifically, we were  interested what techniques […]

Oral Presentation: Vanity Fair Syndrome in Japan: A Conviction without a Criminal


Title: Vanity Fair Syndrome in Japan: A Conviction without a Criminal Abstract: It is known that sometimes investigators unintentionally let defendants confess that he/she is a criminal in cases that should have been treated as ‘accidents’ not ‘crimes’. This is one of the types of false confession leading to the miscarriage of justice. Collecting such kinds […]

Oral Presentation: Examining the training and evidence-collection needs of law enforcement in investigations of older adult maltreatment

Main Auditorium

Title: Examining the training and evidence-collection needs of law enforcement in investigations of older adult maltreatment Abstract: Maltreatment of older adults often goes unreported, a problem that is growing due in part to our aging population. Older adults can be reluctant or unable to disclose maltreatment or provide details of their experiences for several reasons […]

Oral Presentation: Gaining an Understanding of Psychological Detention in Voluntary Interviews


Title: Gaining an Understanding of Psychological Detention in Voluntary Interviews Abstract:  The current research addresses the concept of psychological detention across two studies. Psychological detention is a concept that refers to a situation in which a person who is interacting with the police feels on a psychological level that their freedom to leave the situation […]

Practitioner Case Study: The Role of Intermediaries at Parole Board Oral Hearings


Title - The Role of Intermediaries at Parole Board Oral Hearings Abstract: An exploratory study about the use of intermediaries (communication specialists) at Parole Board Oral Hearings with the following aims: To what extent are intermediaries used to facilitate communication with vulnerable prisoners giving evidence at oral hearings? To what extent are intermediaries used to […]

Oral Presentation: Effects of Socio-Emotionally Supporting Questioning Techniques in Alleged Cases of Physical Maltreatment of Adolescents

Main Auditorium

Title: Effects of Socio-Emotionally Supporting Questioning Techniques in Alleged Cases of Physical Maltreatment of Adolescents Abstract: When interviewing minors in cases of alleged sexual or physical abuse, it is of utmost importance that interviewers adapt a supportive and non-suggestive style in order to reduce interviewees’ anxiety while increasing their accuracy. The R‑NICHD was developed to […]

Oral Presentation: Swedish police interrogations with suspects of drug-related crimes


Title: Swedish police interrogations with suspects of drug-related crimes Abstract Background: What we know about police interrogation has overwhelmingly been based on serious crimes. Far less is known about police-suspect interactions when the crimes are less serious. In the current study, we have focused on low-stake crimes related to drug use and possession. A large […]

Oral Presentation: Defence representatives in interview – A pain in the **** or an aid to interviewing? A view from the dark side.


Title: “Defence representatives in interview – A pain in the **** or an aid to interviewing? A view from the dark side.” Abstract: This presentation highlights the level of understanding of legal representatives as to the different techniques of Investigative Interviewing and the perceived impact, if any, of their presence and, where it occurs, intervention […]

Oral Presentation: The Witness-Aimed First Account (WAFA): A new technique for interviewing autistic witnesses and victims

Main Auditorium

Title: The Witness-Aimed First Account (WAFA): A new technique for interviewing autistic witnesses and victims Abstract: Autistic people may be more likely to be interviewed by police as a victim/witness, yet they experience social communication differences alongside specific memory difficulties that can impact their ability to recall episodic memories. Previous research has shown that traditional […]

Oral Presentation: Examining the challenges and barriers of cold case investigations


Title: Examining the Challenges and Barriers of Cold Case Investigations  Abstract: Criminal cold case is typically defined as one that is currently unresolved, in which no fresh leads exist, and a substantial amount of time has passed (often 1- 3 years). Cold cases introduce substantial barriers and challenges for investigators. For example, witness memory is […]