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Oral Presentation: It’s not “just like on TV”: A corpus analysis and examination of Miranda warnings on TV.


Title: It’s not “just like on TV”: A corpus analysis and examination of Miranda warnings on TV. Abstract: The American Miranda warnings are considered an “icon of constitutional law” that have been made “famous” by  television (Covey, 2007). Similarly, the US Supreme Court has also expressed the recognizability and prevalence of the Miranda warnings in […]

Oral Presentation: Intrinsic and extrinsic factors of sexual aggressors’ associated with their confession in an investigative interviewing context


Intrinsic and extrinsic factors of sexual aggressors’ associated with their confession in an investigative interviewing context Abstract Much is still yet unknown of individual, offense and situational factors allowing to predict sexual aggressors’ confession to their crime. The objectives of this study are (1) to identify them and (2) to elaborate an interaction model helping […]

Oral Presentation: (Not) for the record: Doing implicatures in police reports of domestic violence


Title: (Not) for the record: Doing implicatures in police reports of domestic violence Abstract: Conversational implicature (Grice 1975) is a pragmatic strategy used in discourse to carry meaning(s) not encoded explicitly in language. There are many reasons why explicitness is not the most appropriate route, for example, social politeness (Brown and Levinson 1987). Discourse participants […]