Invitation to take part in an online study – call for practitioner research participants
Title of Study: How would you evaluate a witness statement?
Duration: self-paced but no longer than 15 minutes
Researcher: Dr Feni Kontogianni, Prof. Lorraine Hope, Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth
Objective of the study
We are seeking fluent or native English practitioners for a study investigating factors that affect the way people perceive and evaluate witness statements.
Seeking your support
Your participation will enable us to examine ways in which we can develop strategies to help decision-making when evaluating interviewees’ reports in police investigations and asylum-seeking applications. You can complete the experiment online anonymously, where you will be asked to read an interview transcript and then answer a short series of questions.
If you are interested to participate, please follow the link below or scan the QR code:
If you have any questions about the study please contact: