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Oral Presentation: Applying the Asymmetric Information Management (AIM) technique to insurance claims


Title: Applying the Asymmetric Information Management (AIM) technique to insurance claims  Abstract: This study investigated the Asymmetric Information Management (AIM) technique’s ability to detect fraudulent insurance claims submitted online. The AIM instructions inform claimants that, inter alia, more detailed statements are easier to accurately classify as either genuine or fabricated. To test this, truth tellers […]

Oral Presentation: Interviewing via the Model Statement: Examining the factors underpinning its effectiveness


Title: Interviewing via the Model Statement: Examining the factors underpinning its effectiveness Abstract: Background The Model Statement (MS) is an audio-recorded detailed statement, on an unrelated topic to that of the interview, of the level-of-detail expected from interviewees. Research has shown the MS elicits more detailed information from interviewees compared to a ‘report everything’ instruction. […]