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Oral Presentation: Police Interviewing and Eyewitness Memory in the Multicultural Context of South Africa

Main Auditorium

Title: Police Interviewing and Eyewitness Memory in the Multicultural Context of South Africa  Abstract: Research on investigative interviewing and eyewitness memory has predominantly focused on Western populations, even though we know that memory is shaped by culture. The purpose of this study was to create a theoretical overview of cultural differences and intercultural communication in […]

Oral Presentation: The Influence of Culture on Witness Accounts: An Interdisciplinary Scoping Review


Title: The Influence of Culture on Witness Accounts: An Interdisciplinary Scoping Review Abstract: In an ever more globalized world, it is becoming more common for witnesses and those gathering evidence to be from different countries. Investigative interviewers and legal practitioners frequently report problems when questioning witnesses with different cultural backgrounds. We conducted a scoping review, […]

Oral Presentation: The Way We All Remember: The Influence of Different Cultures on Eyewitness Memory and Investigative Interviewing


Title: The Way We All Remember: The Influence of Different Cultures on Eyewitness Memory and Investigative Interviewing Abstract:  Nowadays, more and more people report about their memories in cross-cultural contexts, such as asylum interviews and international criminal cases. That poses challenges, because there are differences in how people from different cultural backgrounds remember and talk […]