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Symposium: A Tale of Two Evidence Presentation Projects

Main Auditorium

A Tale of Two Evidence Presentation Projects Symposium Organizers: Christopher E. Kelly (Saint Joseph’s University) & Simon Oleszkiewicz (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Symposium Abstract: Evidence presentation is a ubiquitous practice in investigative interviews, and for the past two decades, the scientific literature has studied how disclosure affects interview outcomes in terms of deception detection and information […]

Practitioner Case Study: Police interrogation: From persuasive and coercive techniques to the Méndez protocol

Main Auditorium

Title: Police interrogation: from persuasive and coercive techniques to the Méndez protocol Abstract: Police interrogation practices have greatly evolved since the 1990s, thanks to science. The PEACE model was born, The Reid technique faced strong criticism, forcing a complete overhaul... The HIG model, based essentially on science, made it possible to develop a universal model... […]

Oral Presentation: Swedish police interrogations with suspects of drug-related crimes


Title: Swedish police interrogations with suspects of drug-related crimes Abstract Background: What we know about police interrogation has overwhelmingly been based on serious crimes. Far less is known about police-suspect interactions when the crimes are less serious. In the current study, we have focused on low-stake crimes related to drug use and possession. A large […]